Saving Greensboro: Documentary Puts Town in the Spotlight
Previously called Delight, the small town of Greensboro sits snugly against the mighty Monongahela and was once a social, commercial, and...
Remembering the Carmichaels Fair
Greene County loves its agricultural fairs. Although this year has created an entirely different approach to how we have a fair, Greene...
At the Drive-In
Imagine warm summer nights, seated in your car or near it on a blanket or chair, sipping a drink and snacking on your favorite concession...
The Legend of Stovepipe
Dark and rainy nights in Rices Landing are the perfect time to grab an umbrella and a flashlight and head outdoors… to do a little ghost...
Investigating Crow Rock
Crow Rock, in Richhill Township, is a favorite haunt for local paranormal investigators. One of Greene County’s most brutal Indian...
Mining In Greene: A Brief Overview
During the end of the last century and well into this one, Greene County was known as Pennsylvania’s coal powerhouse, eventually...
The JOY of Hardhat Decals
If you come from a family of coal miners, you probably have at least one photo album of colorful, high-shine decals somewhere - and...
Shooting the Coal at Crayne Mine
Before large-scale commercial mining came to Greene County, drift mines supplied coal to the community. These mines employed small...
Ramping Up For Spring
Spring has officially sprung and that means the Greene County area is gearing up for its annual festival season. In the upcoming months,...
Saying Goodbye to Rudnick's
Its great service, monster sandwiches at unbeatable prices and the biggest selection of appetizers I’ve ever seen have made it THE place...